Look in the past of Negotin
’’One piece of land between the Timok, Danube, Kljuc and Porec mountains. In Krajina there is about fifty villages, but not all Serbian. There are also Wallachian villages. In Krajina is town Negotin, the old walls in Prahovo (on Danube), the spring Caricina, river Zamna, and small monastery nearly Negotin’’ Thus wrote Vuk Karadzic in 1813.
Сматра се да је Неготин насеље које је настало у време пада српске деспотовине под власт Турака, 1459.године. Међутим, најстарији до сада познати писани историјски извори о Неготину и Крајини потичу из турских пописних књига Видинског санџака из XVI века. Неготин је 1530.године, на основу тих извора, био мало сеоско насеље са 55 кућа.
О постанку Неготина има више легенди. Једна од њих је и ова:
У данашњем Малом селу (један од најстаријих делова Неготина) населио се неки Негота са женом Тином, породицом и стадима оваца, јер је околина била богата бујном пашом, а около долине су се налазиле шуме и шумарци. Око њиховог стана за овце стварало се постепено насеље и од њихових имена Него и Тина, настало је име Неготин.
History of Negotin - XIX century
Karadjordje was the leader of the First Serbian Rebellion against the Turks in 1804.
The inhabitants of Krajina didn’t join the rebellion right away. The death of Sultan Pazvan - Oglu who was defeated in the battle at Banja and Serbian – Russian military agreement iin 1806 involved Krajina in the First Serbian rebbelion.
The most glorious moment in the history of Krajina has been written by Hajduk Veljko during his heroic defence of Krajina from Turks ( 1811 -1813). Unfortunatly, Hajduk Veljko was killed in July 1813 and after that the Turks concuered Negotin and the whole Krajina.
History of Negotin - XX century
After establishing the Balkan alliance (Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Grece) in 1912 partial coordination of some military aspects of Serbian-Bulgarian military alliance was organized in agriculture school “Bukovo” nearby Negotin. Serbian delegation in these negotiations was led by general-duke Radomir Putnik.
The soldiers from Krajina won the battle against the Turks as a members of the Timok division and second Serbian army. Turkish army was defeated on all fronts.
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